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A Guide to HGV Shock Absorbers

A Guide to HGV Shock Absorbers

The shock absorber is one of the most vital components in any vehicle’s suspension system. When travelling on rocky roads or encountering sudden bumps in the road’s surface, a shock absorber minimises any rough movement in the vehicle, allowing you and your trailer...
Marker lights on HGV Trucks

Marker lights on HGV Trucks

Marker lights (or marker lamps) are an essential part of keeping your HGV (or LGV) truck visible to other drivers, and to keep you and other road users safe. Although some road users may not fully understand the importance of marker lights, they play a role in keeping...
Commercial Exhaust Silencers for Trucks

Commercial Exhaust Silencers for Trucks

HGV trucks have a powerful engine and exhaust system that allows for long journeys and heavy trailer weight. Due to its large size, the turbo/engine creates much louder sounds than a car’s engine, and therefore needs an appropriate silencer (sometimes known as a...
The Importance of HGV Air Tanks in Lorries

The Importance of HGV Air Tanks in Lorries

For HGV trucks that carry heavy goods and drive for miles on, sometimes hazardous, stretches of roads, it is important to check your air tank is working efficiently and following safety standards. In this blog post, we look at the benefits of using a well-functioning...
How to Choose the Best Trailer Legs for HGVs

How to Choose the Best Trailer Legs for HGVs

When choosing your HGV’s trailer legs (also known as landing gear), there are a few fundamental details to consider. With many different components of the trailer’s landing gear, and the trailer being the heaviest part of your vehicle, it is vital to have good-quality...